Anacletus Ogbunkwu PhD
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki.

The paper aims at a critical examination of the claims of one world government. We use the
philosophical method of hermeneutics and Turabian documentation in the attempt to give a
detailed and critical examination of the possibility of one world government. The paper studies
the utopic assumptions of one world government, concept of one world government, variants of
one world government such as globalization and liberal internationalism while using United
Nations and European Union as models or foretaste of one world government. Similarly, the
paper studies the challenges to one world government such as the premillennialist Christian
claims regarding the end time antichrist, triumph of a particular individual, group or political
interest, e.t.c. Our findings make it obvious that though state sovereignty or multilateral
governance in the world faces terrible lack of trust, abuses and unmitigated corruption, one world
government is not immune from these vices. Also, the proponents of one world government
claim that the values of globalization and technological advancement make it convincing that
one world government is possible. Nevertheless, we make bold to note that globalization and
technological advancement are mere tools to support better life than a system of government.
One of the strongest claims of one world government is that it would be a surge of diplomacy
and honest broker of peace in a world ruined with chaos, corruption and impunity. Nevertheless,
our appraisal of one world government shows that it would be a failure on arrival minding the
complexity of the human person and the undeniable regional differences in the world. It is good
enough that UN sets out about 70-80% of their budget to peace and security but since every state
or country does not have the same degree of peace and security challenges, what happens to their
peculiar needs? It is obvious from the studies that even the very values one world government
seeks to protect would face terrible blow such as classism, neo-colonization, denigration, lack of
government presence, dictatorship and inhuman treatment. Hence if one world government is
possible, why the brexit of the United Kingdom from EU? Why the quest for Biafra from
Nigeria? Why the failure of the great Roman Empire? The implication of the study proves that
one world government claim is a deception and denial of stark reality minding regional needs
and governance. Hence after careful examination of one world government, the paper dissuades
the quest for one world government as a practice of such would amount to total collapse of
governance, order, security, active participation and economy.
Key word: One world, government, religion, globalization,
Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 5, 2022
The idea of one world government has been a hot debate round the world. This hot debate over
one world government has always been between global governance against nationalist vanguards
of state sovereignty. While the former believes that the whole world can be best governed by
surrendering every state to a one big world government, the latter has deep suspicions minding
the threat such global government poses to nationalism, autonomy of states and grass root
Obviously, history teaches us what to expect lest we expect the near-impossible. Historically,
there have been incessant but failed attempts on one world government. It has always begun with
sweet and utopic ideologies but dies off in dystopia. It should be noted that utopia here describes
an impulse for social dreaming. It originated from the popular work of Thomas Moore, utopia,
translated as ‘the good place which is no place’1
. Here, Moore described utopia as an imaginary
and solidarity island where everything seems to be running smoothly. It is a society setting
wherein the people experience ideal and perfect possible life. It is an imaginative reference to a
hypothetical construction2
synonymous to paradise.
By contrast, dystopia shows a sharp opposite of utopia. Hence it can be referred as anti-topia or
kakptopia. Being a sharp contrast of utopia which in this contest, is an imaginary global
government marked by smooth running and successful government, dystopia signifies a place
extremely unpleasant in which living and working conditions are so unfavorable, burdensome
and unbearable. Here the society is chaotic, unruly and can be described as a ruined
Hence the argument on the possibility of one world government in this paper dangles between
the two pendulum of utopia and dystopia. The advocates of one world government seem to be in
the world of utopia while forgetting that such claims are mere imaginative wishful thinking and
short sightedness from the damn of dystopia. Global government advocates are seduced by the
allurement of their imaginative thinking on perfect society characterized by peaceful co-
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existence and as such this paper refers to this attempt as utopic. Conversely, this imaginative
thinking meets it waterloo in practical experience since the success of such government will be
dead on arrival; leaving the world in ruins and chaos. Hence this paper refers to this state of ruins
as dystopia.
The various attempts on such global government had always ended with disappointment. The
Christian Bible reports such attempt in the Tower of Babel. Man had an ulterior motive of being
like God or even overthrowing God and in attempt to achieve this aim desired to go the uphill
task of meeting God physically. This attempt was aborted by God and as such scattered humanity
across the earth by dividing the languages of men4
. Since this time, several attempts by man to
achieve this purpose met its own end and fell into ruins. Further examples where the human
person is said to have attempted or modeled such global reign or governance include; the
Babylonian Empire, Roman Empire, European Union, United Nations, United States of America,
. These attempts are not very perfect in themselves because they have not and cannot
succeed in a global government or one world government for the whole universe.
Understanding the Concept of One World Government.
One-World Government is the idea of a central government whose authority embodies the whole
world. It is a government where the many countries of the world join together in a federation
under one central government. This means that the nations on earth would supposedly abandon
or surrender their sovereignty to the will or reign of the global government or one biggest
The advocates of one world government such as liberal globalists believe that humanity is
progressively approaching this utopia of one world government where humanity is both
culturally and nationally unified in peace and harmonious existence7
. Little wonder Mueller
admonished that ‘we must move as quickly as possible to a one world government; a one world
religion; under a one world leader’.8
Nevertheless, nationalists understand the whole deal about
one world government as unrealistic and a dystopia.
In the same vein, Einstein had high regard to one world government. Hence he disregarded
nationalism or sovereign state government as a disease but preferred a borderless world
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government. Minding this intention, Einstein struggled for the formation of the ‘United States of
Europe’ during the first World War, the ‘League of Nations’ in 1919 and the ‘United Nations’
ca. 1945. For Einstein, only world government can have power to sustain peace in the world and
avert the menace of world war and exterminate bad governance in the globe. At a time, Einstein
began to consider himself as a world citizen when he stated; ‘I am a Jew, by citizenship a Swiss
and by make up a human being without any special attachment to any state or national entity
whatsoever’. 9
Following these efforts, a provisional World Government of World Citizens was declared in
1953 in Ellsworth by Garry Davis leading to the World Service Authority in 1954. The world
Service Authority was saddled with the responsibility of issuing documents like World Citizens
Registration, World Passport, e.t.c. Nevertheless, this attempt though had some impart but did
not succeed in the formation of one world government or global government10
Variants of One World Government
Variants of one world government here refer to those minor versions, preconditions/prelude or
foretaste to one world government. Perloff claims that progressive globalization is among the
necessary preconditions for the possibility and genuine one world government. 11 According to
the globalists, these preconditions are substructural and auspicious signs to the possibility of one
world government. These preconditions can be seen as forerunners and requirements and at the
same time; foretastes to a complete one world government. Hence we refer to them as variants of
one world government. They are earlier variants of one world government because they not only
pre-exist in the attempt to prepare the world for the presumed coming one world government
which the globalists insist would best serve the world but they show earlier versions of one world
According to Alex Newman, these variants are seen in the evolving historical development of
supranational organizations such as;

  1. Worldwide Time Zone {adopted by most countries by 1900}
  2. League of Nations {1920}
  3. United Nations {1945}
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  4. World Bank and International Monetary Fund {1945}
  5. European Union, {1957}
  6. Soviet Union
  7. World Trade Organization, {1995}
  8. Schengen Area {1995}
  9. International criminal Court {1998}12

Obviously, globalization has been a catalyst towards the success of these variants of one world
government. Together with technological advancement, globalization has brought enormous
progress: huge increase in wealth, reduction in poverty, improved welfare, international
relationship, information dissemination, e.t.c. 13
In the ancient times, there existed some successive world ruling empires but ended in ruins. The
most powerful of these empires were the ancient Babylonian empire, Greco-Mecedonian
Empire/civilization of Alexandar the Great, Roman Empire, Medo-Persian Empire, e.t.c. These
empires and civilization rose to become world power in governance so much so that their
authority was recognized and gained loyalty across the globe. The great Babylonian empire
conquered many cities to their governance such as the kingdoms of Judah which was seen as the
chosen people of God in the past. In spite of the great power controlled by Babylon, it came to
ruin, shattered and destroyed like clay.14

In the Christian Bible, the prophets claim that one world government is both imminent and
immanent at the same time. It is immanent following creation story because God who had power
to create the earth still has control over his creatures and as such remains in the world ruling the
whole universe. In the same vein, the prophets claim it is imminent because they presume that
the coming of Christ will be a perfection of the world government when everything will be
gathered under the reign of Christ who will perfect the divine plan for one world government15
Hence the idea of one world government began to grow gradually among the Christians. Prophet
Isaiah stated that this kingdom has the power to stop oppression, rebellion, injustice and war
because the ruler of this kingdom is a prince of peace, wonderful counselor, e.t.c.16

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Unfortunately, some Christians gave a surplus material and physical interpretation to this
prophecy on one world government and forgetting the spiritual import. Hence we ought to note
that the prophets refer to three sets of times in this world government prophecy:

  1. The time when after several years of wallowing in the wilderness, the people of God
    would reach and possess the Promised Land17
  2. The time of freedom for the people of God held captive by both Assyrian and Babylonian
  3. The time after the earthly sojourn humanity goes to dwell in the kingdom of God
    Besides the ancient times, in the modern times, the prominent variants of one world government
    as stated by Newman have its greatest kernel in the United Nations18. This is made up of about
    193 member countries. The inscription made of sculpture outside of the United Nations in New
    York depicts a man beating a sword into a plowshare symbolizing the transformation of the
    world from destructive methods to productive methods whereupon nations shall not lift up sword
    against nations and they shall learn war no more19. In 2015, the United Nations took a giant step
    towards a global government as manifest in the document, ‘Transforming Our World: the 2030
    Agenda for Sustainable Development’ and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to
    improve life on the planet20
    . Though UN has gone a long way uniting nations on earth but is yet
    to achieve the authority of a world government.
    Speaking during the United Nations Summit, Guterrres highlighted what he referred as the threeway essential reform in United Nations as following: peace and security strategies, operational
    setups and bilateral relationships, and development. Nevertheless, Guterrres made it clear that
    UN votes about 75% resources to peacekeeping and security operations but lamented bitterly,
    that much of this is spent in areas ‘where there is no peace to keep’21. Hence we conclude that
    such huge sum of money in the end becomes a waste since the purpose is not achieved.
    Guterrres went further to bemoan the management reform strategies of UN. According to him,
    there are bottle necks in the form of rules and regulations that make effectiveness very
    challenging and seemingly paralyzing the business of UN. This situation has created a mutual
    suspicion and lost of confidence in UN as a model of one world government. Hence UN has lost
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 5, 2022
    the capacity of creating a win-win confidence among member states. It is unarguable therefore
    that sovereign states are more nimble, agile and more decentralized such that government
    intervention plans become more timely, productive and valuable.
    European Union {EU} is another variant of one world government. This brought the European
    countries together towards economic unity minding free trade, common weight and measures,
    unified currency and political unity. Hence it ensured economic unification and political
    . According to Barroso and other anti-sovereignty extremists, there is need for
    political union manifest in world government as complementary and cement to the already
    existing fiscal union, banking union and political union of the Eurozones. No doubt, great fit was
    achieved towards the unity of European Nations23. Nevertheless, this has not and has no possible
    tendency of actualizing the quest for one world government.
    A popular member of the European Parliament, Nigel Farage, challenged the fairness of
    European Union campaign for member countries to join the union. The most recent member to
    surrender its sovereignty is Croatia. Farage remarked that this was not a free choice but they
    were compelled by campaigns threatening people’s pensions which resulted in voters opting to
    join the European Union. He challenged the EU as:
    illegitimate regime filled with former communists and
    criminals. The so-called European project is destined for
    inevitable failure and possibly violence if European Union
    leaders do not cease and desist in their efforts to abolish
    national sovereignty and self-government24
    Evaluating the Arguments and Motivations for One-World Government.
    It has always been a difficult debate over one world government between liberalists who support
    global governance against nationalist vanguards of state sovereignty. The advocates for one
    world government insist that the best route to peaceful co-existence and good governance is by
    the formation of global government whereas the nationalists argue that the claims to one world
    government is a neo-colonization for less powerful nations such that global government imposes
    strong threats to nationalism and autonomy of states.
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    These globalists argue on the benefits of uniting the world under one common rule as a
    motivation in support of one world government. Little wonder Einstein considered himself as a
    world citizen and argued that it is only world government that can have power to sustain peace in
    the world and avert the challenges of world war, poverty and social inequality while
    exterminating bad governance everywhere in the world25
    . In the argument of the liberalists, such
    one world government will lead to superpower that has the capacity of boasting political,
    economic and military authority across the globe and address sustainable management of
    ecological resources.
    These globalists insist that in a world where everything is global; it becomes difficult for
    individual countries to manage themselves amidst global human problems and climate change.
    The advocates of one world government claim that we live in a world that is no longer bipolar or
    unipolar yet not multipolar but a radical and chaotic world. Hence there is need for a surge of
    diplomacy for peace 26
    . According to Ratner, one world government has the capacity of
    addressing global threats such as disasters, wars, comets, epidemics, e.t.c. One world
    government gives opportunity for globalization and sharing of knowledge even among
    nationalistic or sovereign countries. Invariably, this degree of globalization leads to overall
    improved standard of living and scientific advancement27
    . In their claims, a global response to
    these global issues is found in one world government hence the quest for a global government
    becomes an inevitable reality in their reckoning.
    The afore mentioned benefits sound so thrilling that the liberalists build their castles of utopic
    ideologies on one world government. Ivy Roberts contends this utopia stating that there are lots
    of unbearable outcomes of one world government which are highly overpowering28
    . Therefore,
    our argument here is that one world government is at best an ideology or a concept of academic
    prowess. This is because an attempt on one world government amounts to dystopia and global
    chaos. These three objections are the concerns of some Philosophers and Political Theorists
    regarding one world government:
     Is such a thing even possible?
     Is such a thing even desirable or necessary?
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     What is the possibility of one central authority representing the world’s diverse cultural
    and political agendas?29
    The realists and communitarian approaches to international or world government accuse the
    liberalists’ proposal for one world government as wishful-thinking and utopic. Such a system of
    government is away from fruition. These critiques accuse global government to be unwieldy,
    unaccountable and undesirable such that its necessity, possibility and acceptability become
    highly questionable. It rather falls a victim of the very pitfalls of sovereign states it presumes to
    In attempt to describe one world government as a difficult and unrealistic idea, Hans Morgenthau
    stated that the global empires of the past used military might to achieve powerful control over
    nations. Humanity has overgrown this barbaric method of achieving control over nations and will
    inevitably resist such dehumanizing attempt. Hence Morgenthau stated what he described as
    false solution for world conquest as following:
    it follows that the one state created by conquest can hold
    peace by the weight of soldiers and policemen to enforce its
    rule upon an unwilling humanity. Such a world will be a
    totalitarian monster resting on the feet of clay and the very
    thought of which startles the imagination31
    Furthermore, it is obvious that the fallacy of wrong association and over generalization of
    relating the variants of one world government as signs of the possibility of one world
    government is unfounded. These variants such as United Nations, Empires of ancient times,
    European Union, e.t.c. have not fulfilled the expected mandates and cannot by any means
    metamorphosize to one world government. Little wonder Farage complained that minding the
    degree of economic failure, mass unemployment, civil unrest in European states; the United
    Nations or European Union can be said to be a Titanic that has hit an iceberg32
    Our argument here is that global government is a mere sedimentary aggregation of sovereign
    states of the world. Just like sedimentary rock breaks up at every slightest change of temperature
    and pressure so does such aggregation of nations under one world government. Hence one world
    government claims to create a community of mutual dependence to the central government but
    not one of mutual trust and respect. No doubt is that the lack of mutual trust and respect
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 5, 2022
    virulently leads to mutual suspicion and rivalry33. Most unfortunate is that such mutual suspicion
    is capable of blowing up the entire system. Hence the opened barrier for interrelationship turns to
    battlegrounds and the aim for one world government becomes defeated. This mutual fear and
    distrust ends up in conflicts and destructions leading to tearing apart of the sediments of
    sovereign states such that the different nations become hostile camps34
    An imagination of the possible logical consequence of one world government sends goose
    pimples to skins. It leads to marginalization and denigration of the less powerful states leading to
    further underdevelopment of the developing countries35. Individual states’ distress calls would be
    frustrated by delayed and unqualitative response from the central government especially on
    matters concerning the less powerful states. Peacekeeping becomes a matter of convenience and
    routine without passion. Justice and fairness would be difficult to access since the different states
    would not have equal footing in the global government. What is the place of an African country
    in such global government and what is the possibility of the Europeans permitting a Nigerian to
    be the president or Prime Minster of such a global government? Little wonder, Ratner feared that
    such a government will eventually lead to dictatorship36
    The effort so far has been an attempt to evaluate the claims of one world government as a
    competent alternative system of government capable of solving the problem of bad governance
    in sovereign states round the world. After careful examination, we have been able to establish
    that one world government has some utopic ideas that are very alluring to the mind. In the first
    look, the promises of one world government are very attractive and irresistible. One world
    government promises to build a bridge for peace and healthy international relationship, free
    trade, easy migration, e.t.c37
    . The result of the evaluation makes it auspicious that we dismiss one
    world government since its promises are shadows of utopia and bumper harvest of dystopia.
    The claims of liberalists on one world government is accentuated and highly motivated in the
    modern times by the achievements of globalization in the world. Hence Perloff sees globalization
    as a genuine precondition, motivation and acid test for the possibility of one world government38
    Globalization and advancement in world technology has aided some of the affairs of the variants
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 5, 2022
    of one world government especially in the areas of information dissemination, infrastructural and
    technological advancement, World Bank and International Monetary Fund, World Trade
    Organization, e.t.c.39 Our claim is that it is a fallacy of over generalization to conclude that
    globalization can on its own bring about one world government just because it has aided the
    variants of one world government. Nevertheless, we make bold to note that globalization and
    technological advancement are mere tools to support better life than a system of government.
    From our findings, it is obvious that though state sovereignty or multilateral governance in the
    world faces terrible lack of trust, abuses and unmitigated corruption; one world government is
    not immune from these vices. One of the strongest claims of one world government is that it
    would be a surge of diplomacy and honest broker of peace in a world ruined with chaos,
    corruption and impunity40. Nevertheless, our appraisal of one world government shows that it
    would be a failure on arrival minding the complexity of the human person and the undeniable
    regional differences in the world.
    Most unfortunate is that even the very values one world government seeks to protect would face
    terrible blow such as classism, neo-colonization, denigration, lack of government presence,
    dictatorship and inhuman treatment. More so if the presumed variants of one world government
    such as United Nations, European Union, e.t.c suffer incessant disintegration; what then would
    be the fate of one world government. One would quickly ask; why the brexit of the United
    Kingdom from EU? Why the quest for Biafra from Nigeria? Why the failure of the great Roman
    Empire? The implication of the study proves that one world government claim is a deception and
    denial of stark reality minding regional needs and good governance. Hence after careful
    examination of one world government, the paper dissuades the quest for one world government
    as a practice of such would amount to total collapse of governance, order, security, active
    participation and economy41
    Hence it becomes obvious that one world government pits nationalism and sovereignty of states
    and by extension pits growth in developing countries. It makes developing countries 100%
    dependent on a distant and leprous world government that does not really feel their most cogent
    needs but gives them butter when they have no bread and wine when they have no water. Hence
    the world government is an outsize utopian dream. Thus a choice of one world government is a
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 5, 2022
    touch of tragedy to the world. Therefore, we state without equivocation that the attempt on one
    world government is a grandiose delusion.
    End Notes

1 Thomas Moore, Utopia, eds. George Logan and Robert Adams, (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1995), 3.
2 Frye Northrop, Anatomy of Criticism: Four Essays, (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
1957), 193.
3 Fortunati Vita and Raymond Trousson eds. “Utopia” in Dictionary of Literary Studies, (Paris:
Champion Press, 2000), 153.
4 Gen. 11: 1-9.
5 Andrus Hyrum Leslie, Joseph smith and World Government, (Salt Lake City, Utah: Deseret
Books, 1958), 22.
6 Kang Yu-wei, The One World Philosophy, trns. Thompson Lawrence, (London: Obits, 1958),
7 Derwent Whittlesey, German Strategy of World Conquest, (Essex: F. E. Robinson & CO,
1942), 26
8Robert Mueller, The World’s Last Dictator,(Garcia: Great Books, 1992), 23.
9 Paul Ratner, “Why Einstein Thought a World Government was a Good Idea” in
accessed on October, 2016.
10 Heater D. B., World Citizenship and Government: Cosmopolitan Idea in the History of
Western Political Thought, (London: Macmillan, 1996), 72
11James Perloff, “Council on Foreign Relations”, The New American, Thursday 23, July 2009. in
accessed on January 21, 2019
Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 5, 2022

12 Effendi Shoughi, World Unity Goal, (Illinois: Baha’I Publishing, 1938), 203.
13 Anthonio Guterres, “Opening remark at the One World Government Summit of 2017” accessed on February 04, 2019.
14 Daniel 2.31-34.
15 Richard F. Ames, “The Coming One World Government” in Tomorrow’ s World, July 2018,, accessed on January 23, 2019.
16Isaiah 9:6–7
17 Waltz K. N., Theory of International Politics, (Toronto: McGraw-Hill Publishing Company,
1979), 45.
18 Alex Newman, “Euro-Globalists Pursue EU Military for “Empire of Peace” The New
American, Wednesday Nov. 14, 2018. accessed
February 01, 2019.
19 Micah 4.3
20 Jeffrey Ludwig, “The United Nations wants a one-world government in less than twelve
years” American Thinker, November 5, 2018.
21 Andreas Bummel, A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st century,
(London: Alpha dam, 2008), 18
22 Alex Newman, “The European Union: Regionalization Trumps Sovereignty” The New
American, Tuesday, 20 August, 2017 in accessed on January 12, 2019.
23 Ibid.,
24 Tannsjo T., Global Democracy: The Case for a World Government,(Edinburgh: Edinburgh
University Press, 2008), 104.
Paul Ratner, “Why Einstein Thought a World Government Was a Good Idea” , October, 2016,
accessed on February 06, 2019.
26 Clarence Streit, Union Now: The Proposal for inter-Democracy Federal Union, (London:
Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1940), 31.
Marchetti R., Global Democracy: For and Against, (New York: Routledge, 2008), 54.
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28 Ivy Roberts, “One World Government: Definition & Concept” in accessed on
Febraury 09, 2019.
29 Falk R., On Humane Governance: Towards a New Global Politics, (Pennsylvania:
Pennsylvania University, 1995), 201.
30 Reinhold Niebuhr, “The Illusion of World Governemnt”, in accessed on
Febrauary 07, 2019.
31 Hans Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations, Fourth Edition, (London: Great
prints), 496.
32 Alex Newman, “The European Union: Regionization Trumps Soverignity” in The New
American, August 20, 2013, accessed on 06/02/19.
33 Weinberg Gerhard L., German, Hitler and World War II (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1995), 36.
34 Clarence Streit, Union Now: The Proposal for inter-Democracy Federal Union, 1940, 34.
35 Archibugi D., The Global Commonwealth of Citizens: Toward Cosmopolitan, (Princeton:
Princeton University, 2008), 56
36 Paul Ratner, “Why Einstein Thought a World Government Was a Good Idea” , October, 2016,
accessed on February 02, 2019.
37 Ankerl Guy, Global Communication without universal Civilization, (Geneva: INU Press,
2000), 43
38 James Perloff, “Council On Foreign Relations”, The New American, Thursday 23, July 2009.
in accessed on February 01, 2019.
39 Alex Newman, “Euro-Globalists Pursue EU Military for Empire of Peace” The New American,
Wednesday Nov. 14, 2018.
euro-globalists-pursue-eu-military-for-empire-of-peace accessed on February 04, 2019.
40 Macdonald T., Global Stakeholder Democracy: Power and Representation Beyond Liberal
States, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008), 89.
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41 Cabrera L. Political Theory of Global Justice: A Cosmopolitan Case for the World State, (New
York: Routledge, 2004), 76.

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