Henry Amuji
Department of Philosophy, Religion and Peace Studies,
Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki

Mathematics is accepted as a science subject concerned with critical reasoning but majority of
students fail it in their examinations. This is the reason for appraising rationalism of Rene
Descartes as an important mode for developing critical thinking skills for learning mathematics in
secondary school. This study will also aid to improve the interest and poor performance of
secondary school students in mathematics. In this way, their grades in external Examinations such
as West African Senior School Certificate Examination will be high. The method adopted for this
study is expository and hermeneutical design of critical thinking and mathematical concepts. The
Chicago style was used in the citations. This study intends to give an explanatory framework on
the concept of critical thinking in learning mathematics. More so, the work will indicate the
practical application of the skill of critical thinking in learning mathematics. This research work
covered learning of mathematics in secondary schools. The implication of this study is to
significantly reduce failures in mathematics. It is ultimately urgent and important to reduce the
massive failure of mathematics in secondary schools. Hence, the skills of critical thinking are
accepted as a very essential step in every field of learning, and more so, in doing mathematics in
the most recent decades. Therefore, this study draws insight from Descartes’ who is a
mathematician and rational thinker on the significance of critical thinking ability, particularly in
learning mathematics.

  1. Introduction
    In the beginning of recorded history, mathematics discovery has been at the forefront of every
    civilized society and in use even in most primitive cultures and era. The needs for mathematics
    arose based on the want of society. The more complex human society, the more complex the
    mathematical needs. So, civilization developed from calculus to geometry which computes areas
    and volumes, angular measurements and other practical applications. The study of mathematics
    became a building block for civilization. In fact, it is considered to be crucial.
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    Mathematics is an important subject in the modern society especially in schools, workplace,
    business, and for personal decision making. It is fundamental to national development because
    mathematics provides tools for understanding sciences, engineering, technology and economics,
    (Kulbir, 2006).
    1 Considering its importance, Nigerian government made mathematics, a
    compulsory subject in basic education level and secondary school as well as a prerequisite for
    admission into tertiary institutions.
    Notwithstanding the huge importance placed on mathematics by the Nigerian society, it was
    observed that majority of the students lack interest in the subject and performs poorly in it,
    (Maduabum & Odili 2006, 64-68).
    2 A good instance is the analysis of the West African Senior
    Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE) May/June from 2011 to 2015 shows that on the
    average, less than 50% of students passed mathematics at credit level. There has been other reasons
    for the poor performance in mathematics such as lack of interest, instructional factors, difficulty
    in understanding, teacher related factors and so on. Another study shows that the reason for the
    continued poor performance in mathematics could be attributed to students inability to critically
    think and analyze systematically the concepts of mathematics (Osarenren & Asiedu, 2007).
    3 This
    paper agrees that lack of critical thinking is a major problem. Therefore, it confirms that critical
    thinking is an essential concept that is required to enhance performance in any subject especially
    in mathematical problems.
    Critical thinking is a complex concept that involves cognitive skills and affective disposition. It is
    because most students do not possess these qualities they find it difficult to comprehend the
    concepts and perform badly in mathematics. Critical thinking involves the effort to collect,
    interpret, analyze and evaluate the information of a given purpose so as to arrive at reliable and
    valid conclusion. Hence, considering the importance of mathematics and its learning, critical
    thinking should be integrated and emphasized. It needs to be added in the curriculum for students
    to learn the skills and apply it so as to improve their performances in school. In this paper, Rene
    Descartes theories of rationalism offer the mode for developing the skills of critical reasoning.
    Descartes urged people to use hyperbolic doubt whenever assessing anything in life. His belief
    was that we, as thinking beings, should be skeptical when searching for any answers in life, and to
    not just accept information, firstly given to you. In other words, he opines that Critical thinking is
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    a system of thinking in which the thinker improves the quality of one’s thinking by skillfully
    analyzing, evaluating, and reconstructing it.4
    Having stated the above facts, this paper confirms that the development of critical thinking based
    on Rene Descartes words ‘cogito ergo sum: I think, therefore I am’, is the key to learning
    mathematics. It supposes self realization of the power of thinking capacity of a human person.
    This thinking power helps man in problem-solving. The ability to reason is central to logical
    thinking. It is a valuable skill which should be taught before and when mathematical processes are
    learnt. Students should learn how to form logical arguments and arrive at true conclusion within
    home and in school before and when learning mathematics. The capacity to engage extensively in
    argumentative discourse will sharpen the ability of children to conquer the fear for mathematics.
    It will help to comprehend it as a normal simple reasoning in daily life. In fact, when argumentative
    discussions are handled as a way of reasoning, it helps a great deal in understudying the complex
    mathematical statements. The learning of the processes of argumentative discourse involves
    complex patterns which includes the use of hypothetical statements with negative or counter
    factual consequences. In the course of learning argumentative constructions, children gain more
    complex cognitive processes especially when they are able to gain this exposure at home and in
    school. It will help them to experience complicated reasoning patterns. More so, the children will
    become more aware of thinking. It will develop quality of reasoning in the students and dispose
    them for learning mathematics. So far, the link between critical thinking and Mathematics is
    affirmed as stated that ‘thus in some loose sense all of pure mathematics falls within the scope of
    logical thinking in the wider sense’ (Hanna 2011, 196).
    5 Therefore, the mastery of logical
    reasoning or thinking is the foundation for easier learning of mathematics.
    Of course, to achieve all these, teachers training programme should include courses for critical
    thinking. In doing this, the teachers will be taught models of thinking strategies which will in-turn
    influence the students and enhance easier learning of the subject. When the teachers and students
    are deep in critical thinking skills, it will make each other to think, question issues, challenge ideas,
    generate solutions to problems and make intelligent decisions when faced with challenges (Semil
    2006, 28-29).
    This is because critical thinking involves deep reasoning and consideration of what
    one receives rather than outrightly accepting it as different idea (Mansoor and Pezeshki 2012, 153-
    It is through critical thinking that problems are engaged in systematic and logical process
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    in order to find the truth. In learning mathematics, critical thinking would help students to
    understand the logical connection of ideas, construct and evaluate the problem, detect mistakes
    and systematically solve problems. And there are six cognitive skills that are central to critical
    thinking. They include interpretation, analysis, explanation, evaluation, self recognition and
    inference8 which will be discussed later. Hence, concerning mathematics, critical thinking skills
    would enable a student to analyze and synthesize information to solve problems in broad range.
    The students will use the skills to collect, analyze, evaluate and conclude a mathematical problem
    through a given fact before them. Therefore, this paper draws insight from rationalism of Rene
    Descartes as a mode for developing critical thinking skills for learning mathematics in secondary
  2. Conceptual analysis
    Historically, there have been strong links between mathematics and critical thinking since many
    great mathematicians were also great thinkers. In the ancient Greek origins, Pythagoras, Plato,
    Aristotle and Euclid were mathematicians as well as critical thinkers. The same can be said of
    many contemporary French, American, Asian, British, Russian and African mathematicians. It is
    important to state here that both critical thinking and mathematics are interwoven. However,
    critical or Logical thinking originated from classical Greek ‘logos’ meaning word, thought, ideas,
    argument, account, reason or principle. Logical reasoning is process or principles in criteria of
    valid inference and demonstration. It is the study of how to critically think about propositions or
    statements that are either true or false. Logic explores and classifies the structure of statements and
    argument both through the study of formal system of inference and through the study of argument
    in natural language. Logic is the analysis of method of reasoning. It was Rene Descartes who
    popularized critical thinking through his philosophy of methodic doubt.
    The following concepts are used interchangeably with critical thinking; Logic, critical reasoning,
    and logical reasoning. The Encyclopedia of Philosophy defined critical thinking as a careful goaldirected thinking.9 Another definition states that critical thinking is the mode of thinking about any
    subject, content or problem in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by
    skillfully taking charge of the structure inherent in thinking and imposing intellectual standards
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    upon them, (Paul & Elder, 2010).
    10 The central thing in logical thinking is the ability to reason.
    Reasoning is clearly a valuable skill which is often put to test when arguing or during argument.
    More then, Fisher and Scriven (1997) support that critical thinking is a “skilled and active
    interpretation and evaluation of observations, communication, information and argumentation.11
    Generally in philosophy, logic is understood as the method or framework for both philosophical
    reasoning and reasoning concerning any subject matter. Uduigwomen (2011) stated that logic is
    concerned with the principles of correct reasoning.12 It has its own unique language and way of
    defining what is true or false. Logic is defined as the philosophical study of pure reasoning which
    deals with principles of correct argument. In our daily activities, arguments are formed in our
    statements and conclusion drawn.
    Most times, statements and conclusions made are wrong. Logical reasoning is therefore, essential
    because it helps to point out how arguments should be made and how fallacies can be detected in
    an argument and avoided. More so, Uduigwomen, (2011) confirms that logical reasoning plays an
    important role both deductively and inductively. There are two forms of reasoning: deductive and
    Deductive Reasoning: this is the type of reasoning from general to particular. Here conclusions are
    drawn from general statements. It is always expressed in the form of syllogism. Thus, reasoning
    is prevalent in mathematics, sciences, religion and other fields of studies.
    Inductive Reasoning: this is the reverse of deductive reasoning. It is applicable with empirical
    science. It deals with reasoning from particular to general laws. More so, it inferred conclusion
    from particular incidence. In other words, it takes specific examples as its premise and then draws
    a general conclusion from them, (Denley and Hall, 2016).
    14 This form of reasoning gives space for
    various incidences of a particular specimen to be observed over a certain period of time. In
    mathematics also probability is the central concept of inductive logic, (Irving and Copi, 2001).
    More so, logical reasoning in modern philosophical expressions is divided into two dimensions;
  3. Analytic logic is used by analytic philosophers who emphasize the logical analysis of language
    to arrive at clear meaning of terms.
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  4. Symbolic logic is applied in mathematics where figures, symbols and alphabets are used to
    explain a phenomenon, example, a+b=4, a=4-b. There are two forms of symbolic logic,
    prepositional and predicate.
    In other words, logical reasoning deals with all forms of arguments in which reasoning must take
    place within the logical framework defining the logical reasoning as formal science. The question
    should be, is reasoning something that we should be teaching? The fact remains that if logical
    thinking is all about reasoning, then there is no doubt it is the cornerstone of mathematical
    activities. A brief study of Rene Descartes life and philosophy as emphasized in his ‘cogito ergo
    sum- I think therefore I exist’ will help to understand this fact. Therefore, it is an undeniable
    supposition that logical reasoning is a science of correct reasoning necessary for solving problems
    especially in mathematical processes.
    Mathematics is from Greek ‘mathema’ meaning knowledge, study or learning. Mathematics is
    defined as the science of structure, relation and order that has evolved from elemental proactive of
    counting, measuring and describing the shapes of objects. It involves logical reasoning and
    quantitative calculation which has evolved into abstractions and various increasing degrees of
    idealization. In fact, it has developed beyond counting. In summary, the branches of mathematics
    include, quantity (number theory), structure (algebra), space (geometry), and change
    (mathematical analysis). It is from logic and abstractions that mathematics developed other forms
    like calculation, measurement, etc. Mathematics in the views of Watson and Mason (1998) relies
    on the structures of pure mathematics and mathematical thinking. Any problem in mathematics
    involves various forms of statements that are developed.16 Any problem in mathematical lessons
    is the structure. It is known that almost all the mathematical systems are combinations of sets of
    axioms and theorem which is deduced from the axioms, (Jeremy, Gray, Craig et al., 2019).
    Mathematics is further defined as the study of topics such as structure, quantity, space, change and
    so on. It involves the use of techniques like abstraction and logical reasoning from counting,
    calculation, measurement and systematic study of the shapes and motion of physical object. The
    earliest use of mathematics and geometry in relation to logic and philosophy goes back to the
    ancient Greek philosophers such as Euclid, Plato and Aristotle, (Barnes 1995, 27).
    18 Gradually,
    the analytical generality of predicate logic allowed the formalization of mathematics and drove the
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    investigation of set theory. It also allowed the development of Alfred Tarski’s approach to model
    theory which provided the foundation of modern mathematical logic (Taski, 1948).
    Of course, logical reasoning is recognized as used in mathematics and obeys mathematical rules
    that can be made fully explicit, (Dries, 2016).
    20 Some philosophers and logicians such as Russell,
    Zermelo, Hausdoffm, and Hilbert helped to discover and develop the first real theory in
    mathematical logic. In the early 20th century, there were strong impulse for developing
    mathematical logic and that obvious attempt provided a solid foundation for mathematics.
    Mathematical logic which is concerned with the relation of mathematics and logical reasoning has
    permeated other disciplines such as computer science and engineering. What differentiates
    mathematical logic from mathematics is the fact that statement about mathematical objects are
    taken seriously as mathematics objects in their own right. In mathematical logic, we formalize
    (formulate in a precise mathematical way) notions used informally by mathematicians such as:
  5. Property
  6. Statement (in a given language)
  7. Structure
  8. Truth- what it means for a given statement to be true in a given structure
  9. Proof (from a given set of axiom)
  10. Algorithm
    In essence, mathematical logic is a sub branch of mathematics exploring the applications of formal
    reasoning to the subject of mathematics. Here, logical reasoning has connections to; mathematics,
    foundation of mathematics and theoretical computer science. It is divided into the following fields:
  11. Set theory: this is the study of sets which are abstract collections of objects. There are two
    known statements in set theory which is axiom of choice and continuum hypothesis. Axiom
    of choice states that given a collection of non-empty set, there is a single set that contains
    exactly one element from each set in the collection. The set chooses one element from each
    set in the collection while the ability to make such choice is considered necessary by some
    since each set in the collection is non-empty. In solving the problems of set theory,
    ‘Toposes’ is used and it employs classical and non-classical logical reasoning.
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  12. Model theory: this theory studies the models of all formal theories. Theory is a set of
    formulas in a particular formal logical reasoning and signature while model is a structure
    that gives a concrete interpretation of the theory. Model theory is closely related to
    universal algebra and algebraic geometry. Hence, the methods of model theory focus on
    logical considerations than other fields. It is important to know that set of all models of a
    particular theory is called an elementary class. Therefore, classical model theory seeks to
    determine the properties of model in a particular elementary class. In other words, it can
    aid to determine whether certain classes of structures form elementary classes.
  13. Recursion theory: this is also called computability theory. It studies the properties of
    computable correct functions and the turning degrees which divides incomputable
    functions into sets that have the same level of in-computability. It deals with the
    generalized computability and definability. Classical recursion theory focuses on the
    computability of functions from one natural numbers to another. A new finding in recursion
    theory confirms the study of application like randomness, computable model and reverse
    mathematics and results in pure recursion theory.
  14. Proof theory and constructive mathematics is the study of formal proofs in various logical
    deduction systems. These proofs are represented as formal mathematical objects,
    facilitating their analysis by mathematical techniques. More so, constructive mathematics
    is the study of system in non-classical logic such as intuitionistic logic as well as the study
    of predictive systems.
    The emergence of mathematical logic was the combination of formal philosophical reasoning and
    mathematics, (Ferreiros 2001, 443).
    21 The various names for mathematical logic include,
  15. Logistic
  16. Symbolic logic
  17. Algebra of logic
  18. Formal logic
    The mathematical field of category theory uses many formal axiomatic methods and includes the
    study of categorical logic but category theory is not considered a subfield of mathematical logic.
    Algebraist like George Peacock completed the traditional Aristotelian doctrine of logic into
    adequate framework for the learning of basics of mathematics, (Katz 1998, 686).
    22 It was through
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    the axiomatic system that fundamental areas of mathematics such as, Arithmetics [theory of natural
    numbers], Analysis and Geometry were developed.
    In furtherance, Cohen’s proof developed the method of forcing used set theory which is now an
    existential tool for establishing independent results in set theory, (Kanamori, 2008).
    23 It was
    accepted that first order logic or reasoning which is formal logic is the dominant critical reasoning
    used by mathematicians. In fact, mathematical logic deals with mathematical concept expressed
    using critical thinking system. First order logic is a peculiar formal system of logical reasoning.
    The syntax involves finite expression and formed formulas and the semantics are characterized by
    the limitations of all quantifiers. Hence, prepositional logic and first order logic are widely studied
    because of its applicability to the foundations of mathematics and appreciable proof of theoretical
    properties, (Ferreiros 2001, 441-484).
    24 In summary, mathematical logic comprises two distinct
    areas of research;
    a. The application of the techniques of formal logic to mathematics and mathematical
    b. The application of mathematical techniques to the representation and analysis of formal
    logic, (Stoylar 1983, 3)
    Mathematical logic is an extension of symbolic logic into other areas in particular to the study of
    model theory, proof theory, set theory and computability theory. Critical reasoning and
    mathematics are connected that they cannot do without each other. It means that critical reasoning
    is involved in the proceedings of mathematics. Having said this, it is mostly accepted that critical
    reasoning or thinking is an offshoot of mathematics. Mathematics is defined as a science concerned
    with logical reasoning. It means that mathematical statements have the similar language as logic’s
    unique language. The use of critical reasoning in the language of statement would help while
    working with mathematics. This paper therefore, appraises Rene Descartes’ rationalism as a mode
    for developing critical thinking for learning mathematics in senior secondary school. It identified
    some aspects of critical thinking skills which should be developed for learning mathematics in
    secondary schools. Therefore, the mastery of logical reasoning or thinking is the foundation for
    easier learning of mathematics.
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    Another concept used in place of Secondary School is post-primary education. Secondary
    education is the formal education children received after primary education and before tertiary
    stage. It is the education system where individuals are trained for useful society living and higher
    education. It is education for all, irrespective of sex, social status, religion and ethnic group. It also
    provides academic, technical and vocational skills for development of all aspects of life. In order
    to achieve the stated goals, secondary education system involves six (6) years duration given in
    two stages in Nigeria. They are junior and senior secondary school stages of three (3) years each.
    Secondary education has a diversified curriculum of studies for core and elective subjects like
    English language, Mathematics, Indigenous languages, Sciences and Arts. (National Policy on
    Education, 2014).26
  19. Review of related literature
    This section focuses on acknowledging some of the existing theoretical and empirical concepts
    related to the study under investigation.
    Gafoor Abdul K and Kurukkan Abidha conducted a survey on 51 standard IX s students (26 boys
    and 25 girls) to obtain data on their mathematics related expectancies. Amongst the students, 88%
    selected mathematics as hated subject and 6% reported they like mathematics (Gafoor and
    Kurukkan, 2015).
    27 The three reasons enumerated for hating the subject include:
  20. Difficulty in understanding the subject matter
  21. Teachers related factors
  22. Instructional related factors
    The ratio of 20% rated it as very difficult, 54% as medium difficulty and 10% consider it as an
    easy subject. This study created a gap because it focused mainly on the mathematical related
    expectancy. It explained how students hated mathematics and reasons for the hatred only. This
    seminar paper includes the development of skills of critical thinking for learning mathematics to
    supply for the gap created by the previous study. Hence, the two studies are related because they
    focused on the learning of mathematics among students.
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    Again this paper adopted the study by Rameli Mohd, Rustam Mohd and Kosnin Mohd Azlina to
    explore the types of achievement goals orientation accepted by the students for learning
    mathematics in Malaysian setting. A total of 976 secondary school students were selected through
    stratified random sampling techniques from three states in Malaysia. Achievement goal
    questionnaire was adapted as the research tool (Rameli & Kosnin, 2017).
    28 The result presented
    three [3] main factors of goal orientation;
    A. Mastery goals orientation
    B. Performance-approach goal orientation
    C. Performance-avoidance goal orientation
    This study emphasized the achievement goal of orientation of students in mathematics only but
    was deficient in evaluating mode of achieving the goals in mathematics. Hence, this paper will
    complement the space created in the above study. However, their work did not reveal skills used
    to attain the goals in mathematics. This seminar paper is therefore intended to fill the gap of
    developing skills of critical thinking for learning mathematics as achievement goal in secondary
    Adamopoulos, L., Viskadourakis, V., Gavalas, D., Polizos, G., & Sverkos, A. (Aristodou 2020,
    99-122) carried out a study on introductory course in logic offered in secondary school in Athens,
    Greece.29 The course is titled ‘Logic; theory and practice’ which was first introduced in 2003/2004
    academic session. It involved students between the ages of 17-18 years. The course was given
    twice a week for the whole academic year. It was divided into two groups of 20-27 students per
    class. Group I comprised mathematically-orientated classes and Group II involved theoreticallyorientated classes usually with good background in mathematics. The course aims generally to:
  23. Develop students skill in prepositional and predicate calculi
  24. To encourage students to exercise these skills in application that arises in courses in
    practical reasoning situation.
    The students in their observation explained that it helped them build bridges among disciplines
    and digging deeper to discern correct structures. It helps to uncover implicit forms of reasoning
    and their performances which improved significantly. Calculus students found the course very
    helpful especially when tackling a problem and they make the right connection to the reasoning.
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    Students also benefit intellectual development since clarity of thought and correct forms of
    reasoning have value outside the classroom. They observed that the same deductive logic which
    enhance the mathematical reasoning also aid in other fields of life. The above study highlighted
    on how introductory course in logic which is the science of critical reasoning helped students to
    connect with various discipline of learning. On the other hand, it was deficient on how critical
    reasoning is not applied in learning the subject mathematicsin Nigeria’s secondary schools. Hence,
    this seminar paper will supplement the gap created in the above study. The paper focused in
    particular on the development of skills of critical thinking in learning mathematics. It confirms
    that critical thinking skills are helpful in solving mathematical problems. More so, it is important
    to confirm that both study focused on the development of critical reasoning in learning among
  25. Brief Biography of Rene Descartes (1596-1650)
    Rene Descartes is a famous mathematician, philosopher as well as a logician. He was born in
    March 31, 1596 in France at a place called La Haye en Touraine. Joachim his father was a council
    member in the Parliament and Jean Brochard his mother died at his early age. Descartes joined the
    Jesuit College of Henri IV in La Fleche at the age of 8. This marked the beginning step of his
    extensive education. At 22 years, he earned Law. His popular dictum, “I think therefore I am” gave
    rise to his philosophical principle which is evident in his major works:
    a. Discourse on the Method (1637)
    b. Meditation on First Philosophy and Principles of Philosophy (Metaphysics) with its
    Objections and Replies (1641)
    c. Principles of Philosophy (1641)
    d. Passions of the soul, on the soul (1649)
    Some of Rene Descartes contributions include:
  26. Introduced geometry including algebra [modern algebra, Cartesian geometry]
  27. Through his law of refraction Descartes developed empirical understanding of rainbow.
  28. Natural account of solar system formation
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    There was no account of marriage but he had a daughter Francine in 1635 through a maid where
    Descartes was staying in France. The young girl later died of fever at age of 5. In February 11,
    1650 Rene Descartes died at Stockholm in Sweden at 53 years.
    4.1 Rene Descartes Philosophies of Rationalism and Mathematics
    Rene Descartes was prominent in his contribution to western philosophy and progress in
    mathematics. He is known as the father of analytical geometry because he had contributed majorly
    in geometry and algebra. In furtherance, there are major contributions of Rene Descartes in
    Rationalism and mathematics:
    4.1.1 Rene Descartes Principles of Rationalism
    Descartes laid the foundation for rationalism of the philosophical views that regard reason as the
    chief source and test of knowledge. He developed a philosophical system known as Cartesian
    philosophy which is based on skepticism. He asserted that all reliable knowledge must be built up
    by the use of reason through logical analysis. Descartes in his words stated that, ‘what pleased
    most about this method was that by means of it, I was assured of using my reason in everything if
    not perfectly…’30
    Rene Descartes’ statement, ‘Cogito ergo sum’ ‘I think therefore I am’ became fundamental to
    learning. It survived the test of his methodic doubt. The treat on methodic doubt was regarded as
    the best known philosophical statement. The fact of being conscious is the beginning of knowledge
    in time and logically. Descartes believes that the above proposition is the true basis of all
    knowledge and all philosophy. In fact, it is the basis of ultimate fact. He insisted that this is the
    process of knowledge or analytic reflection carried to its utmost limit. Furthermore, Descartes
    confirmed that self-consciousness is first truth derived from the statement. Another truth is the
    self- determination to attain indubitable knowledge. In addition, intuition and innate ideas are
    truths that are implied in the same statement. In his explanation, he stated that if he doubted, it
    means someone or something is doing the doubting, therefore, that fact that he doubted has given
    evidence of his existence. In other words, the act of doubting one’s own existence provided the
    basic proof of reality of one’s mind. The fundamental fact is that there must be a thinking being or
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    entity. So, for there to be thought, the self as a thinking entity must be involved. There are four (4)
    possible meanings of the phrase, ‘Cogito ergo sum’- I think therefore I am:31
  29. My being or existence is the effect or product of my being conscious. My being conscious
    creates or produces my being. Here my consciousness is first in order of existence
  30. My being conscious implies that I am and was before and in order to be conscious
  31. My being conscious is the means of my knowing what my existence is, or what it means.
    Here my consciousness is identical with my existence. My consciousness and my being are
    convertible phrases.
  32. My being conscious informs me that I exist or through my being conscious I know for the
    first time that I exist. Here my being conscious is first in order of knowledge.
    Rene Descartes distinguished himself as a rationalist philosopher in some of his works already
    mentioned in the biography section above. In the Discourse on the method, Descartes outlined a
    new system of Mathematics and science. The rules for the direction of the mind affirmed his views
    on the method of thought. By using a set of rational principles Descartes established a system of
    doubt to attain certainty of knowledge. He gave the twelve-vertebrae of rational thinking which
    consist of three sections: a. simple propositions, b. method for dealing perfectly with problems
    (incomplete), c. imperfectly understood problems.
    4.1.2 The Rene Descartes’ twelve-vertebra backbone32 read as follows:
  33. The aim of our studies must be the direction of our mind so that it may form solid and true
    judgments on whatever matters that arise.
  34. We must occupy ourselves only with those objects that our intellectual powers appear competent
    to know certainly and undoubtedly.
  35. As regards any subject we propose to investigate, we must inquire not what other people have
    thought, or what we ourselves conjecture, but what we can clearly and manifestly perceive by
    intuition or deduce with certainty. Perhaps, it seems there is no other way of acquiring knowledge.
  36. There is need of a method for finding out the truth.
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  37. Method consists entirely in the order and disposition of the objects towards which our mental
    vision must be directed if we would find out any truth. We shall comply with it exactly if we reduce
    involved and obscure propositions step by step to those that are simpler, and then starting with the
    intuitive apprehension of all those that are absolutely simple, attempt to ascend to the knowledge
    of all others by precisely similar steps.
  38. In order to separate out what is quite simple from what is complex, and to arrange these matters
    methodically, we ought, in the case of every series in which we have deduced certain facts the one
    from the other, to notice which fact is simple, and to mark the interval, greater, less, or equal,
    which separates all the others from this.
  39. If we wish our science to be complete, those matters which promote the end we have in view
    must one and all be scrutinized by a movement of thought which is continuous and nowhere
    interrupted; they must also be included in an enumeration which is both adequate and methodical.
  40. If in the matters to be examined we come to a step in the series of which our understanding is
    not sufficiently well able to have an intuitive cognition, we must stop short there. We must make
    no attempt to examine what follows; thus we shall spare ourselves superfluous labour.
  41. We ought to give the whole of our attention to the most insignificant and most easily mastered
    facts, and remain a long time in contemplation of them until we are accustomed to behold the truth
    clearly and distinctly.
  42. In order that it may acquire sagacity, the mind should be exercised in pursuing just those
    inquiries of which the solution has already been found by others; and it ought to traverse in a
    systematic way even the most trifling of men’s inventions though those ought to be preferred in
    which order is explained or implied.
  43. If, after we have recognized intuitively a number of simple truths, we wish to draw any
    inference from them, it is useful to run them over in a continuous and uninterrupted act of thought,
    to reflect upon their relations to one another, and to grasp together distinctly a number of these
    propositions so far as it is possible at the same time. For this is a way of making our knowledge
    much more certain, and of greatly increasing the power of the mind.
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  44. Finally, we ought to employ all the aids of understanding, imagination, sense and memory,
    first for the purpose of having a distinct intuition of simple propositions; partly also in order to
    compare the propositions.
    Later, Descartes in his work on Discourse on the method gave the rules used to solve profound
    problems. He applied this rule in resolving the problem of prove of personal existence especially
    in his famous statement, ‘cogito ergo sum’- ‘I think therefore I exist’. As a matter of fact, he was
    drawn to the notion of method of investigation or scientific method which aid in attaining certainty
    of knowledge. The scientific methods begin with doubting to clear away our old disordered
    schemes of knowledge so as to establish knowledge afresh on solid foundations. Descartes method
    consists of harnessing the abilities of the mind with a particular set of rules. It is these rules by
    which our capacities of intuition and dedication are adequately guided in an orderly manner. The
    method deployed by Descartes is the kind of systematic skepticism aimed at withholding belief
    from anything of which we do not have a clear and distinct idea. It was far from the previous
    skepticism because it is assumed that something would turn out to be indubitable and the
    knowledge would be safeguarded. Descartes also followed these rules he outlined with persistent
    resolve to attain rational thinking. Again, he asserted that in order to build methodically, coherent
    system, we should follow four (4) specific rules of inquiry they are;
  45. First Rule: Accept nothing as true which you did not clearly recognized to be so.
  46. Second Rule: Divide up each difficulty into many parts in order that it might be resolved
    in the best possible manner.
  47. Third Rule: Carry on the reflection in due order from the most simple to understand to the
    most complex
  48. Fourth Rule: it is important to make enumeration so to complete that nothing should be
    The main focus of Descartes rule is a clear procedure for the operation of the mind. The rule
    consists in ordering and disposing of those objects in which the attention of the mind must be
    focused, that is, if we are to discover the indubitable (truth). The major purpose of the rule is to
    investigate a subject. Descartes clearly said that;
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    Our inquiries should be directed not to what others have thought nor
    to what we ourselves conjecture, but to what we can clearly and
    perspicuously behold and with certainty deduce.34
    According to Descartes, if these rules are properly followed and kept, one will never take anything
    false to be true. In other words, those who apply these rules will attain true understanding of all
    those things which do not surpass our capacity. Copleston (2003) added that Descartes does not
    mean to imply that there is a technique which can be applied in such a way that the natural
    capacities of human mind are irrelevant.35 It means that the meaning of these rules is not
    immediately evident. Descartes insists that truth can be attained and we can be assured of reliable
    foundation for our deduction. He therefore, set out to show that we can have certainty of knowledge
    in his attempt to lay an irrefutable foundation for knowledge. He searched not only about
    mathematical concept but about the nature of reality. It is important to end this section with what
    Rene Descartes said in his own words about this method. He said;
    What pleased me most about this method was that it enabled me to reason
    in all things, if not perfectly, at least as well as was in my power. In
    addition, I felt that in practicing it, my mind was gradually becoming
    accustomed to conceive its objects more clearly and distinctly, and since I
    had not directed this method to any particular subject matter, I was in
    hopes of applying it just as usefully to the difficulties of other sciences as
    I had already to those of algebra, (Mathematics).36
    4.1.3 Methodic Doubt (meditations):
    Descartes began the first meditation with the confirmation for the need to discard everything
    completely and start over again from the foundation. He says, ‘I must once for all, by a deliberate
    effort rid myself of all those opinions to which I have hitherto given credence, starting entirely
    were far better never to think of investigating truth at all than to do so without a method’.37 He
    categorically stated that skeptical doubt is the right way to begin the search for truth. In clear
    understanding, Descartes search for method culminated in his methodic doubt or Cartesian doubt,
    (Hamlyn, 1970).38 Succinctly put, the most resolute attempt to find an indubitable starting point
    for our knowledge was made by Rene Descartes. He turned the table on the skeptics who doubted
    the possibility of knowledge by turning himself or a part of himself into a skeptic advocate. His
    intention was clear and he described it in this words, ‘I shall at least apply myself earnestly and
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    freely to the general overthrow of all my former opinions…I shall be justified in setting all of them
    aside, if each case I find any ground whatsoever for regarding them as dubitable’.39 Descartes
    through his methodic doubt proved how uncertain our knowledge is even of what seems most
    obvious to us. Of course, he does not mean that this tool will be in use for everyday life. He
    presented it as intellectual critique to winnow out his belief and determine the more certain facts.
    In other words, this was a way of providing indubitable propositions and validating his method of
    inquiry. Descartes did not doubt for the sake of doubting unlike the Skeptics but for the sake of
    affirming certainty. Copleston (2003) confirmed the method in these words;
    It is methodic in the sense that it is practiced not for the sake of doubting
    but as a preliminary stage in attainment of certainty and in sifting the
    true from the false, the certain from the probable, the indubitable from
    the doubtful.40
    Hence, Descartes through the method of re-thinking philosophy from the start, he attempted to
    reexamine all his previous opinions systematically in search of finding certain and secure
    foundation on which to build knowledge. Therefore, he used skeptics doubt to test the firmness of
    the foundation of knowledge.
    Although Descartes quest was clear but Karl Popper (1963) disagreed with his claims on methodic
    doubt. He stated that in formulating epistemological results with regard to knowledge every bit of
    our traditional knowledge is open to critical examination and may be discarded. However, he said
    that knowledge cannot start from nothing but mainly modification of earlier knowledge.41 So,
    errors can be detected and eliminated by criticizing the theories or guesses of others or our own.
    Therefore, he suggested critical rationalism as against Descartes rationalism or intellectualism.
    More then, Descartes had confirmed that the way to prove absolute certainty of the foundation of
    knowledge is by methodic doubt. He claims that it is the ideal way to reconstruct the edifice of
    knowledge. He rejected belief from mere senses and reason. Descartes affirmed that methodic
    doubt assures indubitable truth. Furthermore, indubitable truth for Descartes means that what you
    believe must be true otherwise they are mere belief and not knowledge. It means that the elements
    of truth and knowledge must be integrated. Hamlyn (1970) supported Descartes claims when he
    said that knowledge involves the truth of what is said to be known; hence, a complete account of
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    knowledge must involve an account of truth.42 So, truth is accepted as a condition for knowledge
    when truth has evidence.
    In fact, the Discourse on the Method remains one of the world’s most influential works in
    philosophy together with the First Meditations on First philosophy. In his Principles, Descartes
    understood philosophy to be the ‘study of wisdom’ or ‘the perfect knowledge of all one can
    know’.43 Therefore, the theories in Discourse and Meditations contain his principle of rationalism
    from where inspiration and insight are drawn to develop critical thinking skills for learning
    Mathematics especially in secondary schools.
    4.2 Rene Descartes’ views on Mathematics
    Descartes invented the influential Cartesian Co-ordinate system. In 1637, one of the
    groundbreaking works of Rene Descartes in Mathematics is ‘La Geometrie’ that is ‘Geometry’. In
    the theory, he stated that each point in two dimensions can be explained by only two numbers on
    the plane. It specifies each point uniquely in a plane by a pair of numerical coordinate which are
    the signed distance from the point to two fixed perpendicular directed lines measured in the same
    line of length. Each reference line is called a Coordinate axis or just axis of the system. The point
    where they meet is the origin. One of the numbers is giving the points on vertical location and the
    other is giving horizontal location. Thus, he invented the Cartesian coordinate method which has
    turned to be the foundation of Analytic geometry. And this has provided geometric interpretation
    for other aspects of Mathematics like:
  49. Linear algebra.
  50. Complex analysis.
  51. Differential geometry.
  52. Multivariate calculus.
  53. Group theory.
    Descartes introduced what became the standard algebraic notion with geometry. It stated that lower
    cases a, b and c are used for known quantities while x, y and z are used for unknown quantities.
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    More so, Descartes is popularly known as the father of analytic geometry (Sorell, 2000 P.19).
    The Cartesian coordinate laid the foundation for geometry. It allowed the conversion of geometry
    into algebraic equation and vice versa. Analytic geometry is widely used in physics and
    engineering and also in aviation, rocketry, space science and space light. It is the foundation of the
    various modern fields of geometry such as in:
    i. Algebraic
    ii. Differential
    iii. Discrete
    iv. Computational geometry
    Therefore, analytic geometry is considered the most important contribution of Descartes in
    Development of calculus was another area of Mathematics expanded by Descartes. His
    mathematical work laid the basis for the development of calculus by Isaac Newton and Gottfried
    Leibniz. In addition to analytic geometry, Descartes developed his rule of signs. This is the
    technique for determining the number of positive or negative real root of a polynomial. He was
    the first to use a standard notation for the superscript to denote powers. It means he was the first
    to denote the variable x squared as X2
    . In fact, he stated that amicable numbers are two different
    numbers so related that the sum of the proper divisors of each is equal to the other number.
    Descartes independently discovered the general formula for amicable numbers known as Thabit
    Ibn Quarra’s formula,45 the Arab mathematician who discovered it several centuries before him.
    The philosophy of Rene Descartes has helped to develop the science of Mathematics. Therefore,
    some of his contributions in Mathematics include; Cartesian coordinate system, Fibred category,
    Cartesian product, Defect (geometry), Descartes rule of signs, Descartes theorem, Analytic
    geometry and Pullback theorem. So, it is important to conclude this section with Descartes
    affectionate expression for mathematics, ‘I delight most of all in Mathematics because of the
    certainty and the evidence of its reasoning’.46
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    4.3 Relationship between Critical thinking and Mathematics
    Descartes looks at mathematics as the best example of clear and precise thinking. The fact is that
    if the methodic doubt is employed in geometry, the method for deriving theorems by strict
    deductive means from intuitively obvious axioms could be successful in geometry; it is also used
    to attain knowledge of truth. Hence, Stumpf (1994:P.26) stated that;
    In mathematics, Descartes discovered something fundamental
    about mental operations. Specifically, he fastened upon the minds
    ability to apprehend directly and clearly certain basic truth.47
    The mind in the view of Descartes is capable of knowing some ideas with absolute clarity and
    distinctness. In fact, mathematical reasoning shows how we progress in an orderly way from what
    we do know to what we don’t know. He further confirmed that the rules of method contain the
    primary rudiment of reason from which he could elicit the truth in every field whatever. Copleston
    (2003) supported this view in these words, ‘the problem facing Descartes therefore, was to
    reconcile his actual procedure with his ideal picture of a universal science and of a universal quasi
    mathematical method’.48 In other words, he meant that Descartes did not see clearly the difference
    between his ideal of accumulating all sciences to Mathematics and in his perspective maintains
    that all the various sciences are merely different ways in which same skills of reasoning and
    method are used. Simply put, the method of critical reasoning of truth is the same for doing
    Mathematics. It means that the orderly use of intuition and deduction is applicable in any science
    such as Mathematics. So, to attain knowledge, both in Mathematics and other sciences, the
    foundation is the intuition and deduction. Beardsley (2003) said that,
    Many things are known with certainty though not themselves
    evident, but only as they are deduced from true and known primary
    data by a continuous and uninterrupted movement of thought in the
    perspicuous intuiting of the several items.49
    The rules of method are built upon deduction and intuition which are the certain routes to
    knowledge. This is because they are two sides of the same coin involved in seeking the truth. In
    the intuition we grasp a simple truth completely and immediately while in deduction we arrive at
    a truth by a process.
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    In summary, Descartes as a distinguished rationalist and mathematician has revealed that
    mathematical truth is attained through reasoning devoid of senses. He also affirmed that the
    Methodic doubt which is a systematic skepticism remains the source to reliable knowledge by the
    use of reason through logic analysis. Hence, his statement, ‘I think therefore, I exist’ is an analytic
    reflection that gives evidence to self consciousness of a thinking being. It is also a background for
    self determination to achieve indubitable knowledge. Descartes disclosed that a thinking being has
    innate and intuitive ideas that give credence to other truth such as mathematical truth. In his works
    Descartes outlined a guiding set of rules used to solve profound problems or attaining knowledge.
    He stated that the means of scientific investigative method which begins with doubting procedures
    is for attaining certainty of knowledge. So, the systematic skepticism with the set of rules is a clear
    procedure for the operation of the mind and eventually arrival to rational thinking. It means that
    this process of methodic doubt will help to develop critical thinking skills especially in students
    which will be applied for easier learning of Mathematics.
    In fact, as a father of analytic geometry who contributed immensely to geometry and algebra,
    Descartes presented Mathematics as an important discipline. The insight from the skeptic doubt or
    Methodic doubt will help to find the indubitable truth in mathematical processes. In other words,
    if the methodic doubt aids in attainment of certainty of truth, then, it will help in attainment of
    certainty of mathematical truth. The Rene Descartes Methodic doubt becomes the mode for
    developing the mind to be critical in the elements of truth and knowledge. Descartes rationalism
    presents the methodic doubt as foundation to critical thinking while his mathematical work laid
    the basis for the development of Mathematics. Descartes rationalism and his contribution to
    Mathematics confirm the relationship between Critical thinking and Mathematics. Therefore, this
    study had drawn fundamental insight from Descartes Principle of rationalism to develop critical
    thinking skills to enhance learning of Mathematics in secondary schools.
  54. Descartes’ Rationalism as an Insight for Developing Critical Thinking Skills:
    This section deals with the development of critical thinking skills through methodic doubt which
    eventually will enhance the easier learning of Mathematics among students in secondary school.
    Descartes having established his scientific method of investigation, he proceeded to assert a system
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    of knowledge that can be depended on with absolute certainty. The researcher considers the
    process of Systematic skepticism as a means of developing critical thinking skills. The first
    technique is to use the systematic doubting procedure to clear away any previous belief held that
    was to some extent questionable. Descartes said;
    It is now some years since I detected now many were the false beliefs that
    I had from my earliest youth admitted as true, and how doubtful was
    everything I had since constructed on this basis. And from that time I was
    convinced that I must once for all seriously undertake to rid myself of all
    the opinions which I had formerly accepted and commenced to build anew
    from the foundation, if I wanted to establish any firm and permanent
    structure in the science, (Meditation 1).50
    In this way Descartes establish the first step towards developing the thinking skill for attaining
    certainty of knowledge. The doubting process presents evidence of reasoning focused on
    discovering the truth. Of course this reasoning procedure will enhance mathematical processes.
    Descartes further defined a systematic doubt as means of seeking for reason to doubt. It means that
    if anything can be doubted, it should be doubted. Most of the things perceived through the senses
    should be doubted. Descartes gave three reasons why we should doubt the senses51:
  55. We regularly experience illusions through the senses such as when a thing is in far distance,
    it appears much smaller than they really are. So, it is a problem.
  56. The reliability of senses is undermined when I consider the possibility of whether I am
    dreaming or not. For example Descartes said, a ball before me though the sense shows it
    exists but if I am dreaming then the experience is unreliably complete.
  57. The third reason is what Descartes called Fame: for instance what if God or some evil
    genius is deceiving me about things even the world. He used this example to show that
    everything that goes on in the mind is result of a divinely implanted hallucination.
    Descartes in the principle of rationalism used skeptical doubting device as a way of attaining
    certainty of knowledge. Hence, he stated steps to building his system of knowledge52:
    Step One: this involves deducing details about exactly what kind of thing he is. Descartes also
    was able to prove his existence because he is exercising several mental abilities which he described
    in these words:
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    But what am I? A thing which thinks, what is a thing which thinks? It is a
    thing which doubts, understands, conceives, affirms, denies, wills, refuses,
    imagines and feels… am I not that being who now doubts nearly
    everything, who nevertheless understands certain things, who affirms that
    one only is true, who denies all the others, who desires to know more, is
    averse from being deceived, who imagines many things, sometimes
    indeed despite his will and who perceives many likewise as by the
    intervention of the bodily organs? (Mediations 2).53
    Descartes concludes that he is a thinking being with mental acts of doubting, understanding,
    feeling, refusing, willing, imagining, conceiving, denying and affirming.
    Step Two: this involves prove of God’s existence. The rationalist theories even from medieval
    philosopher offer rich argument for reality of God’s existence. He began the proof by searching
    his mind to find collection of ideas such as trees, animals, stones, sand, etc. they are finite and
    unreliable. In addition, Descartes sees in his mind a concept of infinite perfection that is an idea of
    infinite complexity and goodness. This idea was not created by himself because his limited mental
    abilities would be incapable of inventing an idea that is so infinitely elaborated. The only prove is
    that the idea of the infinite was implanted in his mind by God himself who is infinitely perfect.
    Therefore, God then must exist.
    Step Three: this is the step where Descartes debunked evil genius hypothesis. Descartes stated
    that God could not be a deceiver since deception is an imperfection. Hence, God is infinite
    perfection himself.
    Step Four: Descartes confirms that he can have confidence in a special truth-detecting mental
    ability that God has endowed him. Descartes insisted that whenever he encounters obvious truth
    like 2+2=4, something in his head confirms the clarity and distinctiveness. In addition to prove
    that he is a thinking being that exist, Descartes asserted the principle of spirit-body dualism. This
    is a prove that human beings are constitution of both a physical body and a spirit-mind.
    In conclusion, rationalism is the philosophical view that knowledge is acquired through reason,
    without the aid of the senses. This rational thinking is the ability to consider the relevant variables
    of a situation and to access, organize, and analyze relevant information such as data, facts, opinions
    and judgment.54 The same procedure is involved in critical thinking which is a gradual progression
    from the superficial to the increasingly complex.55 In fact, mathematical knowledge is the best
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    example of rationalism. This is because through critical thinking, we can explore the depths of
    numerical relations, abstract proofs and deduce more complex mathematical concepts.
    5.1 How to Develop Skills of Critical Thinking
    It is important to begin this section with the understanding that generally Mathematics is based on
    structure of pure mathematics and mathematical thinking. Of course every type of statement is
    found in any topic in mathematics (Watson and Mason, 1998).56 The statement connected to a
    particular topic in mathematics is termed its structure. Most times teachers are encouraged to help
    the students to focus so as to achieve higher order of mathematical thinking which is found in
    logical reasoning. There are three suggestions on how to stimulate a particular thinking process:
  58. Take a topic and use some specific questions within certain statements and certain groups
    of mathematical thinking.
  59. Take a mathematical process such as explaining and try to find similar examples in
    different topics to help you make links between topics.
  60. Take a certain mathematical statement instructions and look for similar questions in
    different topics and help to make connection but also to understand how that statement
    differs within topics. In summary logical reasoning is needed in every mathematical
    More so, there are three basic principles that will enhance learning about thinking processes. They
    a. Encourage students to think: The teachers have the temptation of ignoring this principle
    when engaging children in mathematical activities. It enhances the ability to remember.
    Hence, mathematical rules involve learning tricks that require only memory which is
    connected to one of the three of Benjamin Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objective
    which is affective domain.57 The children who developed this rules of memory are likely
    to do well while those who were not motivated to memorize lose confidence in the ability
    to do Mathematics. Eventually, they end up disliking mathematics. In fact, meaningful
    mental engagement will help the children to develop serious interest in Mathematics.
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    b. Encourage students to think about thinking: This can also be called ‘Metacognition’. This
    involves thinking of how they got answer to a mathematical problem. The teacher should
    challenge children to think about their thinking. So as to be skilled in doing it. In the
    strategies used here, there are word problem. For example, consider the problem; Five (5)
    children want to share 25 balls of orange equally. How many oranges would each child
    get? While this is a proper division problem for primary 3 pupils, most nursery pupils can
    solve the example above without division or help from anyone (Carpenter, Ansell, et al,
    1993, P. 428-441).58 The important fact is that they were able to think about the problem
    and found a solution that made sense to them. They would be able to defend their logic.
    c. Encourage representation of thinking: Each time the teachers encourage students to reflect
    on thinking and use representation of thinking in their classroom, it unavoidably leads to
    more thinking and more thinking about thinking. The activities expose the students to a
    lively and engaging classroom environment which will encourage complex and
    sophisticated mental activity. Therefore, it takes a lot of thinking and more thinking about
    thinking for both teachers and students to grow and develop especially towards learning
    Mathematics. Teachers themselves must learn to be thinkers before they prepare and
    encourage students to think. It is more important to demonstrate the logic of Mathematics
    than to memorize rules (Wakefield, 1998).59
    In the field of learning, we still struggle with the same problem of math-phobia or inadequate
    math-teaching by teachers who were themselves taught from a surface procedure first approach.
    In places where success in Mathematics education is recorded, probably, it was achieved through
    emphasis in problem solving and conceptual approaches. It is a process where students are
    encouraged to think through thinking themselves and to battle with problems rather than being
    helped with answers by the teachers when they encounter difficulty.
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    Descartes background in geometry and mathematics influenced his ideas on the truth and
    reasoning, causing him to develop a system of general reasoning now used for most mathematical
    reasoning. Similarly, Descartes understands that ideas could be self-evident and that reasoning
    alone must prove that observations are reliable. These ideas also lay strong foundations for the
    ideas of rationalism. In fact, there are six (6) recognized steps of critical reasoning60 and they are:
  62. Interpretation: This step ensures that the team or individual understands the problem by
    answering the questions, what, why, who, when and where, (five Ws’). These questions
    are asked to clarify the problem. This is to identify the current problem without emotional
    connection. Such questions like: a. what is happening? b. why it happened? c. who is
    involved? d. when it did happen? e. where did it happen?
  63. Analysis: In this step, the individual or group discusses the problem and exploring each
    person’s judgments, arguments, opinions and conclusions. The evidence is provided to
    back up the general experiences, belief, assumptions and opinion shaping the ideas. So,
    identifying the symptoms of the problem will help one to stay on course with the true
    problem. More so, it involves identify the people or processes that are fueling the problem.
    It deals with analysis of the facts and metrics available to corroborate the evidence.
    Questions like these are raised; a. what is the reason for a claim? b. what is the conclusion?
    c. what do you think? d. what is the basis for saying what? and e. what are your arguments?
  64. Explanation: the individual or group formally verbalize and outline their discussion of
    their proposed decision and proffer solution. This step in critical thinking identifies the
    assumption and facts, the two different realities. The question like, what were the specific
    findings or results of the investigation?
    61 Again explain how you conducted the analysis?
    Give detailed reason for a particular decision through reasoning? Therefore, the individual
    or group will offer discuss on the evidence for the right answer or solution.
  65. Evaluation: this is another step used to assess the total issue involved. The individual recap
    the entire problem and assess reasoning and conclusions. The aim is to confirm the validity
    of their argument or solution, (Bent and Stubbings, 2011).
    62 This is to find out whether the
    evidence is reliable and to what degree. It is concerned with a probe for weakness in
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    thinking and logic. These are some questions: a. how credible is the claim? b. how strong
    are those argument? c. do we have our facts right? and d. what are the consequences of this
  66. Self recognition or Self-Regulation: The main point raised here is whether any critical
    information is missing. More then, individual or group assesses the entire question raised
    so as to confirm, validate and connect the proposed decision or solution to ensure a
    complete process and conclusion. It involves inferential judgments of the people who form
    part of critical thinking. Here are some questions in this step: a. show how good is the
    method and the way it was followed? b. how good is the evidence? c. what are we missing
    before finalizing? d. finding how to revisit what we mean by certain things to clear
    confusion and making the final decision.
  67. Inference: This seems like the last step. The individual or group brainstorm possible
    solutions using all data and information available. Other possibility that may be causing
    problem is identified. These important questions are asked: a. what facts are available to
    draw reasonable conclusions? b. what are the possible alternatives? c. what are the
    consequences of these conclusions? d. what additional information is explored to resolve
    the problem?
    These steps provide a foundation for students to practice critical thinking skills.63 This forms a
    reflective practice that produces deeper thinking and a meaningful conversation. It is expected that
    these processes will assist to resolve the difficulty in learning mathematics.
    6.1 Critical thinking skills as a mode of learning Mathematics
    Critical thinking holds important key as a mode of teaching mathematics in our secondary schools.
    The reason being that ‘teaching critical reasoning in order to foster competence with proof in
    mathematics classroom…offer suggestions about how to modify curriculum to help students
    develop their logical reasoning abilities’, (Viviane Durand-Guerrier, 2012).
    64 The examples of
    critical thinking skills include comparing, contrasting, categorizing, analyzing and evaluating
    (ACARA, 2012).
    65 These higher-order thinking skills are integral to students working
    mathematically, as students interpret and justify their decisions based on logical thought and
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    actions (BOS NSW, 2012).
    66 Mathematicians use critical reasoning skills to solve problems and
    construct mathematical proofs, (Aufmann et al., 2007).
    67 In fact, critical thinking has proved to be
    useful tools in mathematical processes. Generally, logical thinking is foundational to any field that
    makes use of arguments. It has especially close connections to mathematics, computer science etc.
    Aristotelian logical reasoning and modern symbolic logic are impressive bodies of knowledge that
    constitute major intellectual achievement (Westacott, 2019).
    68 In general terms, logic refers to the
    philosophical study of correct reasoning. It deals with principles of sound argument. And no doubt,
    in various forms of learning especially in mathematics, there are forms of argument where
    statements are made and conclusions drawn. The philosophy of critical reasoning of Rene
    Descartes has proffered modes for learning mathematics which can be applied on secondary school
    students. This is because the students find the learning of mathematics quite difficult. And
    Mathematics is of great interest right from the early modern mathematicians such as Descartes,
    who delights in mathematics because of the certainty and self-evidence of its reasoning, (Bos,
    69 Below are the procedures;
    6.2. Thinking in mathematical processes:
    Consequently, it is necessary to re-emphasize and repeat this fact that Rene Descartes offered the
    first mode of learning mathematics in his famous dictum and best known philosophical statement,
    ‘cogito ergo sum’ which means ‘I think, therefore I am’. He tried to establish a system of
    knowledge relying upon rationalization and logical deduction. In his explanation he stated that if
    he doubted, it means someone or something is doing the doubting therefore, the fact that he
    doubted has given evidence of his existence. It confirms that the act of doubting one’s own
    existence provided the basic proof of reality of one’s own mind. The fundamental fact is that there
    must be a thinking being or entity. So, for there to be thought, the self as a thinking entity must be
    involved. Hence, he understood reasoning as the only way to attain higher knowledge. He laid the
    foundation for rationalism in his philosophical views that regard reason as the chief source and
    test of knowledge. By this fact, Descartes suggests that skills of reasoning or logical thinking
    should be taught as a subject of course to the students in countries where mathematics education
    is considered fundamental. One stress is always on problem-solving and conceptual approaches.
    This is because students are encouraged to think through and struggle with the problem rather than
    finding other easier shortcut to the solution. In essence, the students should be taught reasoning
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 6, 2023
    skills which will help them to form logical arguments within themselves. Hence, thinking logically
    is a foundation stone to learning mathematics. In fact, lessons on reasoning skill will introduce
    several types of reasoning such as:
  68. Connective reasoning.
  69. Inductive reasoning.
  70. Deductive reasoning.
  71. Abstract reasoning.
  72. Quantitative reasoning.
  73. Adaptive reasoning.
    These forms of reasoning will dispose the students for learning the mathematical procedures. It
    will introduce the use of direct proof method which involves definition and application. Teachers
    who teach mathematics should include problem-based learning technique which is a method of
    making learning engaging and important. The teacher should use sense making which is using
    basic logic in teaching mathematics. It involves two things:
    a. Number sense: It is the intuitive understanding of magnitude, range and estimates of
    numerical value based on both reasoning and experience. It is important and critical in
    processes involving deep reasoning. It helps the students to identify incorrect possibilities
    before proceeding in the processes of the problem-solving.
    b. Estimation is identifying the approximate correct values to a mathematical problem and a
    very important step in sense making. A good example is a child knowing how many hands
    or feet each person has and how many fingers are on each hand. This is a great basic
    exercise to develop number sense.
    There is no doubt whether critical reasoning is needed in many mathematical problems. Deductive
    reasoning will enhance learning of mathematics among students. This is because mathematics is
    mainly made of deductive reasoning (Epp, 2003).
    70 Descartes introduced the rules of deductive
    logic which can aid a student in learning mathematics:
  74. Accept nothing as true that is not self-evident.
  75. Divide problems into their simplest parts.
  76. Solve problems by proceeding from simple to complex.
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 6, 2023
  77. Recheck the reasoning, (Britannica, 2019).
    These rules are direct application of mathematical procedures. Therefore, he asserted that all
    reliable knowledge must be built up by the use of reason through logical analysis. Critical thinking
    and reasoning allows students to think about how they utilize their mathematical skills. Metcognition helps students in recognition of solutions to problems, (Huang, et al., 2016).
    6.3 Language of Critical thinking is language of Mathematics:
    Critical thinking is a mode for teaching mathematics because it has its own peculiar language and
    means of defining what is true and false. The language of critical reasoning can help a child to
    critically think while working with mathematical problems. As previously mentioned, Descartes
    was the first to assign alphabets like a, b and c to represent data and numerical quantities while
    alphabets like x, y and z are used to represent unknown quantities and variables. Again, Descartes
    was the first to use a standard notation for the superscript to denote powers such as variable X
    squared as X2
    . He perfected the use of x, y and z for squares, cubes and other powers with
    numerical superscript as X2
    and X3
    . This made algebraic calculation easier than they had been
    before, (Watson, 1998).
    6.4 Critical thinking as tool for mathematical problems:
    Critical thinking can enhance creative problem solving options by encouraging students to seek
    new strategies when solving mathematical problems. Critical reasoning helps to build the skills
    required for higher level mathematics. It was stated that improving critical thinking abilities
    require early and constant practice and to be actively engaged in skill of thinking critically (Gelder,
    More so, the suggestion for improving critical thinking includes: practice of active
    engagement, transfer of learning, understanding theories, thinking map skills etc (Gelder, 2001).
    Some scholars affirm in their studies that students can expand their thinking skills through their
    precision, correctness, accuracy, importance, intensity, extent and reason, (Reichenbach, 2001).
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 6, 2023
    6.5 Critical thinking and Mathematical methods:
    Mathematical proceedings require methodical processes. The method is used in finding the truth
    of mathematical set up. The methods consist of the order and disposition of the subject and object
    towards which the mental vision must be directed in order to find the truth. The mind focuses its
    direction on the proceeding to form solid and true judgment in solving the mathematical problem.
    In exercising critical thinking, the intellectual power of the mind is applied to the arithmetical
    problem to separate the simple from the complex methodically. In doing this, the process of
    scrutiny is ongoing and movement of thought remains continuous and uninterrupted. It means that
    deep attention must be intended so as to master the facts and be accustomed with the process to
    arrive at clear and distinct truth. The mind should be continuously engaged in inquiries to discover
    the solution to the problem which is the aim. In this whole process, the intuitive cognition engages
    in recognition and reflection of all the simple facts and truth. This will help to know the relation
    of every step with one another and as such certainty of knowledge is assured. More so, one should
    employ the aids of understanding, imagination, sense and memory so as to have distinct intuition
    of simple proposition involved in mathematical structure. In this way, critical thinking skills
    become the tool used by students for learning mathematics in the secondary schools.
  78. A Critique of Critical Thinking as a Mode of Learning Mathematics:
    There is no doubt that students find the learning of mathematics quite difficult. It has been an age
    old puzzle to solve. Perhaps, this paper has tried to proffer the Cartesian Critical thinking of Rene
    Descartes as the novel means of developing skills for learning mathematics. The important
    question now is, can the critical thinking skill solve the problem encountered in learning
    mathematics for secondary school students? I think learning the skill of critical thinking form a
    fundamental basis for learning mathematical processes. It involves critical reasoning and so, it will
    be benefittial in solving mathematical problems. Descartes suggested that to engage in acquiring
    knowledge, the power of the mind which is critical reasoning is applied as implied in his dictum,
    ‘Corgito ego sum’-I think, therefore, I exist’. However, there are challenges to acquiring and
    application of critical reasoning skills. The first observation is whether we have the capable human
    resources to teach the skills of critical thinking as subject in the schools? More so, if we proffer
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 6, 2023
    the suggestion to teach critical thinking to the students from the early age, do we have qualified
    teachers with the ability to impart the skills of critical reasoning? Of course, it seems that there are
    no enough capable teachers to handle the proposed subject of critical thinking. The difficulty of
    formulating curriculum and scheme of work may constitute a problem. Again, the processes of
    teaching critical thinking to the students may appear to be complicated like mathematics or rather
    it seem more confusing than mathematics. It is possible that the secondary school students do not
    have the capacity for critical reasoning to the level of learning Cartesian critical thinking. It may
    ends up constituting more problems other than helping in learning mathematics. But I should think
    that a secondary school student has attained a reasonable level of mental maturity. Teaching them
    skills of critical thinking at this stage will not be a serious problem. Rather, I am foreseeing the
    problem of lack of students’ disposition and interest in acquiring such skills. Since, they find it
    difficult and disinterested in learning mathematics, the same problem may arise in learning skills
    of critical thinking. This is because of the rigors and abstractions involved in the learning process.
    Therefore, it will be difficult but possible to teach and learn the critical thinking skills in secondary
    schools. The one suggestion here is to find a way to teach it, so, that critical thinking will form the
    good foundation for learning mathematics. More so, Cartesian critical thinking is presented in this
    paper as the best means of developing skills for learning mathematics. But it doesn’t mean that,
    there are no other pre-existing alternative modes of teaching and learning critical reasoning, which
    may be interesting and appealing to the students. I know for sure that there are aptitude and
    qualitative subjects which helps to test the reasoning capability of students. There are puzzle games
    like Chess, Draft, Cross-word and puzzle toys. There are other puzzle games like 3D Tetris, Alpha
    Twist, Arrange puzzle, blob game, break-lock, broken calculator, Cubilus game and so on. These
    puzzle games are used to test problem solving skills including Logic, sequences solving etc. In
    order words, puzzle games focus on logical and conceptual challenges, (Rollings and Adams,
    77 It is important to state that the puzzle game was developed to address the need to enhance
    students learning in the classroom (Elson, Ostapski, et al., 2012).
    78 In fact, there are three basics
    of what puzzle do for children. It develops their physical, cognitive and emotional skills, (Manno,
    79 Since these games help to develop logical reasoning, of what essence is Cartesian critical
    reasoning? Of course, these games offer their important aid but Critical thinking has proven to be
    an authentic skill of logical reasoning. It proved to be a fundamental skill in search for knowledge.
    It needs to be adopted and adapted to the various levels of the students. If it is applied at the
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 6, 2023
    different levels and ages of the students, the application and resultant effect will be productive in
    learning mathematics. It will broaden the reasoning capacity of the students beyond what the
    puzzle game will offer. This is because Cartesian critical reasoning is a typical logic. It is a skill
    of high standard that can match the mathematical processes. Observations confirmed that many
    children play these games well but does not perform well in mathematics classes. In other words,
    the puzzle games do not give the entire basic skills of critical reasoning. In the other hand, the
    principles of critical reasoning learnt from the Cartesian theories will probably lay more
    appropriate foundation for excelling in mathematics. Therefore, it is affirmed that the abstract,
    creative, innovative and communicative thinking acquired from Rene Descartes principles of
    critical reasoning will provide the fundamental requirements for learning mathematics.
    Practical application of Descartes Rationalism for learning Mathematics in schools
    The application of critical thinking in mathematics is nothing other than the process of critical
    thinking which relate to knowledge of mathematics, mathematical reasoning and mathematical
    proofs in mathematical problem-solving (Krulik & Rudnick in Firdaus et al., 2015)80. Some
    researchers agree with the purpose of this paper which is the fact that development of critical
    thinking skill enhances mathematical achievements. The essence is for students to develop quality
    independent and problem-solving abilities in school especially in subjects like mathematics
    (Firdaus et al., 2015)81. The particular aspects of Descartes Rationalism that will practically help
    the students:
  79. Quality Thought: Developing critical thinking skills in student will improve their ability
    for mathematical thinking. Simply put, it improves students’ high thinking ability. It also
    develops in students the processes of interpretation, analysis, evaluation, inference,
    explanation and self-regulation (Facione, 2011)82. The quality thought developed in
    students will help to understand the mathematical content as well as the processes of
    mathematical processes (Rajendran, 2010)83. It means that the processes are infused in the
    teaching method of schools. Teachers teach students how to think. This practical
    application of developing quality thought is drawn from Descartes philosophy which
    consisted of method of systematic doubt. It means the process of rebuilding knowledge
    from the ground. This is exemplified in his popular statement, ‘cogito ergo sum’- ‘I think
    therefore I am’.
  80. Rules of sign: the greatest contribution of Descartes to philosophy and mathematics is the
    rule of sign. This is the techniques for determining the number of positive or negative real
    roots of polynomial. Example is 24
    to show 2× 2 × 2 × 2 = 16. The rule of sign helps to
    demonstrate thoughts into symbols. Hence, the signs become the visible representation of
    invisible thoughts which is the critical thinking process conceived through reason.
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 6, 2023
  81. Deductive and inductive reasoning: critical thinking process involves both method of
    deduction and induction. Descartes insisted that certainty of knowledge is possible through
    these processes of reasoning. They form the two major forms of reasoning. In the first
    place, Descartes agreed that mathematical methods are coordinated with the aid of reason.
    Reason is capable of attaining truth or indubitable knowledge without making reference to
    the senses (Ihejirika & Wolemonwu, 2015)84. So, Descartes adopted the mathematical
    method of induction and deduction which means orderly, logical reasoning or inference
    from self-evident proposition. These processes will guarantee certainty of knowledge or
    truth that provides clear and distinct perception of the objects by the subject in the light of
    reason. However, the use of inductive and deductive reasoning is popular in solving
    mathematical problems. The deductive reasoning is always based on facts while the
    inductive reasoning relies on a group of observations. Deduction is going from general to
    particular while induction is going from particular to general. It is used in geometrical
    processes and other forms of mathematical processes.
  82. Conclusion
    Mathematics has been perceived by majority of students as a difficult subject that should be
    eliminated from the curriculum of study. However, the relevance of mathematics to national and
    global development cannot be quantified. It connects all the field of studies such as economics,
    computer analysis, architecture, medical sciences, natural sciences and so on. It forms the basis of
    all human living. The solution is not to remove mathematics from field of learning but to tackle
    the problem of why it is difficult in learning. This paper, therefore, had proffered the solution of
    developing the skills of critical thinking from early age to advance level of study in order to form
    the right minds for mathematical studies. Critical thinking skills will help to demystify the myths
    built around mathematics that it is difficult and make it easier for learning. In spite of all the
    challenges presumed to hinder the benefit of critical thinking skills, it will help students to
    understand and resolve the logical language and complexities perceived in mathematics. This
    seminar paper has appraised to an extent the rationalism of Rene Descartes as a mode for
    developing critical thinking skills for learning mathematics in secondary schools.
    Logos: African Journal of Philosophy and Studies. Vol. 6, 2023
  83. Endnotes
    1 Singh Kubir, The Teachers of Mathematics, (New Delhi: Sterling Publishers Private Ltd (1), 2006).
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    6 Rahul Semil, “Enhancing thinking skills in the classroom”. Human and social sciences Journal 1 (1),
    (2006), 28-29
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    (Australian Council for Education Research, 2020), 6, Accessed
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    9 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2018)., Accessed December 10,
    10 Paul R, and Elder L, The Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concept and Tools, (Dillon Beach:
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    16 Anne Watson & John Mason. Questions and Prompt for Mathematical Thinking, (Derby: Association of
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17 Jeremy, J G., Craig, G., Frasher, J.L., et alia. “Mathematics” Encyclopedia Britannica Inc, (2019), Accessed January 7, 2021.
18 Jonathan Barnes. The Cambridge Companion to Aristotle, (USA: Cambridge University Press, 1995), 27
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logic Vol.7, (Association for Symbolic logic, 2001), 443.
22 Victor Katz. A History of Mathematics, 2nd Edition, (New York: Addison-Wisley Company Incorporated,
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